Why do we have abstractions in Mathematics?
Everybody will tell you
that math is about numbers!
Counting numbers
1, 2, 3 …………………..
Whole numbers
0, 1, 2, 3……………….
-3,-2,-1, 0, 1, 2, 3……………….
Rational numbers
1/2, 1/3, -7/8
numbers …. √2 = 1.4142……
numbers..... x + y √ -1
Where x and y are real numbers
Each subsequent number
system includes the previous number system. So far example integers are
included in rational numbers and rational numbers are included in real numbers
and so on.
Each enlargement helps us
to solve more difficult equations and something we could not solve earlier!
x + 2 = 5 (needs negative
4x = 1 (needs rational
x4 = 7 (needs irrational numbers)
x4 = - 7 (needs complex numbers)
With each of these enlargements we are able to solve harder problems but the math becomes more abstract and less intuitive
For example, we understand
when we have 5 apples but what does it mean to have √-5 apples?
“The true metaphysics of square
root of -1 is elusive”
He was adept at using
complex numbers and applying them to solve many problems but it still bothered
In fact, Kronecker
famously said “God made integers all else is the work of man”
By studying these more
abstract number systems we are getting more and more away from studying
concrete things like integers but they are necessary to solve harder problems!
So next time when you are
learning abstract algebra and struggling to have a good intuitive feel of what
a commutative ring really is, don’t despair! In fact everybody is struggling!
Yes, I agree that abstract mathematics does not seem an easy going concept at first. But it offers unparalleled practical applications. Very well explained the necessity of complex number system.